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USB-C to VGA | A Complete Guide for the Best Buy

by peng gui 26 Mar 2023

Can you tell the difference between USB cables and other cables? Many times, there are many differences. Furthermore, extenders and adapters can severely damage the signal too. Not all tech accessories work from the get-go, as practical matters differ.

Fortunately, things are becoming more straightforward with the unification of USB C. It will transfer raw data, audio, video, internet signals, and power. In other words, individuals with outdated ports like VGA can only connect it to the display. The port does not transfer data over a USB connection.

There are many misconceptions regarding VGA because it has now become obsolete. If you wish to learn more about VGA, this guide is for you. The informative read will cover everything to increase your knowledge pool.

What is USB C?

USB C is a massive win for the technology sector that unifies connectivity. The connector will transmit power and data with a cable from the source to the destination device. USB C was created by the USB Implementers Forum, a group of businesses that led and developed the connectivity standard over decades.

The Implementers Forum comprises well-known companies like Microsoft, Intel, Samsung, Dell, and Apple. The famous name is one of the reasons USB C became widely accepted so readily. The ports are found in all the devices, such as laptops and phones. Moreover, you will notice the USB C port on external hard drives.

Even though all USB C ports look the same, each offers different capabilities. USB C was launched in 2014. However, the adaptation of USB C has still not become mainstream. A USB C port has 24 pins with 12 pins on each side. Of the 24 pins, 16 help transfer data, four charges, and four are ground pins.

Why would I need a USB C to VGA cable?

Clear background

Not buying the right adapter has consequences. The performance of all devices is severely affected. Furthermore, an incompatible adapter will also ruin the integrity and composition of the devices. Therefore, the best USB-C to VGA adapter will protect the connection from corrosion and humidity. Lastly, it will also ensure long-term use.

If you are still unsure why purchase USB C to VGA, here are a few reasons:

USB C is an innovative port that sends information at high speed. Furthermore, the port also communicates audio quickly and shares video information successfully. In short, it has become a universal standard.

Recent solutions such as USB C 3.1 can provide data exchange at a much higher speed. Fortunately, you do not need to use the USB C features because the video signal is transferred through VGA. This port consists of 15 pins that were initially introduced in 1987.

Excellent video output

VGA is compatible with video cards, HD TVs, and monitors. However, VGA was replaced by DVI in 1999 and then HDMI. When we compare VGA features to an HDMI, one of the most significant letdowns is that VGA cannot transmit video and audio simultaneously. Moreover, it only supports video output and is incompatible with audio.

Whenever you use an adapter, there is an assumed risk that the video quality will deteriorate severely. The individual will witness scarring, damaged, or pixilated screen. Even though one can ignore the little distortion, what if these grow and you start obsessing over it?

The same logic applies to adapters too. However, unfortunately, VGA cannot process such data. Therefore, you will face issues with 1080p transmission. The content is wrecked because of incompatibility. Therefore, a USB C to VGA adapter will ensure excellent video quality to enjoy movies and other entertainment.

Innovative design

Another attribute you must consider when buying USB C to VGA adapter is its quality. Its internal composition must not harm the signal’s quality. If the connection is loose, it will also hurt the port and the cables. If you are unsure about the quality of the accessory, observe the width, which will give you a clear indication of use and durability.

A VGA port is not symmetrical. If the USB C to VGA adapter has an innovative feature, the user can quickly reverse or flip the USB C side to connect the devices. Even though it is a minor feature, the individual will significantly benefit from it during traveling or working remotely. The minute attribute will save much time too.

Thirdly, you must also observe the adapter’s head. Ensure the front is not wide enough to block other ports, as some USB C to VGA ports do that. A small connection head will result in multiple connections, so you are not tangled with wires and complications.


USB C to VGA adapters are becoming universally acceptable. These adapters communicate with the devices using a driver. The manufacturer will design the adapters based on the operating system and the device’s design. Unfortunately, not every device is identical, and sometimes adapters require specific drivers.

In short, the devices you wish to connect may or may not work together. There may be extra steps. In addition, you may have to hunt the driver. Thirdly, the installation steps can be complicated too. The best USB C to VGA adapter will eliminate all these challenges and easily connect devices. Purchasing the adapter removes the worrisome assumptions of whether the driver will work or not.

Where can I buy a USB C to VGA cable?

After reading the reasons above, I guess you want to buy a USB C to VGA cable. You can experience the features after purchasing the cable from DockTeck. The online store was founded in 2018 to offer high-quality and affordable items to modern customers. DockTeck is the leading supplier of docking stations and other products that streamline data exchange.

The founders themselves are tech-savvy individuals who are passionate about making their customer’s life a lot easier. Therefore, DockTeck provides user-friendly USB C to VGA cables for excellent results. The online store is dedicated to delivering value and quality to generate brand loyalty.

Time to Wrap up!

The best USB C to VGA cable will provide crystal clear video output and excellent audio. If you are still unsure about its use and importance, contact DockTeck today. Our sales representative will expertly guide you through the technicalities so you can share the knowledge with friends and family.

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